# winter-2012
Rinne no Lagrange
Title: Rinne no Lagrange Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction Rating: 8.4/10 Summary: Madoka is the lone member of her school's Jersey Club. She is one day recruited by a mysterious girl named Lan to pilot the robot "Vox" and protect her city from space invaders. They are joined by a third girl, Muginami, who has a different goal than Ran. Meanwhile, they still don't know their enemies' true goal, or what "Rinne" might be. Read more...
Title: Nisemonogatari Genre: Comedy, Psychological, Supernatural Rating: 7.4/10 Summary: In Bakemonogatari, the story centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school student who has recently survived a vampire attack, and finds himself mixed up with all kinds of apparitions: gods, ghosts, myths, and spirits. However, in Nisemonogatari, we pick up right where we left off and follow Koyomi as the psychological twists delve deeper and deeper… Read more...
LinkPapa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!
Title: Pap no Iukoto o Kikinasai! Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life Rating: 7.8/10 Summary: Segawa Yuta is a freshman of a university. He lost his parents when he was small and was raised by his sister Yuri. Yuta has been living alone since Yuri got married to a middle aged man when Yuta was a junior high student. One day, Yuri visited Yuta’s apartment and asked him to take care of her three daughters while Yuri and her husband were on a trip. He unwillingly accepted the job but the plane Yuri took went missing. In order to prevent the daughters from being adopted separately by relatives, Yuta decided to take in all three girls. A life of a strange family in a tiny apartment begins. Read more...
LinkSenhime Zesshou Symphogear
Title: Senhime Zesshou Symphogear Genre: Action, Drama Rating: 4.0/10 Summary: Humans have been menaced by mysterious monsters called “Designated Aberrant Disaster: Noise”. Tsubasa and Kanade are a popular vocal unit “Zwei Wing”. They wear the new weapon “Symphogear” and fight against Noise to save the earth. Read more...
LinkInu x Boku Secret Service
Title: Inu x Boku Secret Service Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Supernatural Rating: 5.8/10 Summary: The Shirakiin house’s daughter, Shirakiin Riricho, who has a complex about being unable to live independently and unprotected, feels the need to move out and live on her own under the condition of residing in the mansion named “Ayakashi Kan.” In this mansion, only those who have cleared a very strict examination could reside in it, and for each resident, they are accompanied with one agent of the Secret Service (S.S.). Although Riricho has rejected the company of the S.S., while residing in the mansion she finds out that the agent dedicated to protecting her is actually the Fox Spirit whom she previously rescued. Read more...
LinkPersona 4: The Animation
Title: Persona 4: The Animation Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery Rating: 7.5/10 Summary: Yu Narukami has moved from Tokyo to Inaba to stay with his uncle and cousin, while his parents are away on business. However, after a murder shakes up the sleepy town, things get even more crazy when he discovers the mysterious "Midnight Channel," and that he has the even more mysterious ability to enter TVs. Accompanied by his disbelieving friends, Yu discovers another world inside the TVs, that seems to be connected with the murder. They also discover the ability to summon 'Persona', their 'other selves', whose power they can use to fight the shadows that inhabit the TV world. The murders, the Midnight Channel, the world inside the TV, and Persona. Yu and his friends fight to figure out how they're connected, and to solve the case before it's too late. Read more...
LinkMirai Nikki
Title: Mirai Nikki Genre: Action, Drama, Psychological, Romance, Thriller Rating: 7.2/10 Summary: Middle school 2nd year, Amano Yukiteru, is a boy who has problem making friends. He thinks of himself as a bystander and will always write down everything he sees in a cell phone diary. Tormented by solitude, Yukiteru began to imagine things like a friend called Deus Ex Machina who is apparently the Lord of Time & Space. Seeing Yukiteru’s miserable state, Deus gives him a new ability. His diary will now record events that will happen in the near future. Yukiteru is then forced to participate in a game which the winner will become Deus’s successor. Read more...
LinkBrave 10
Title: Brave 10 Genre: Action, Comedy Rating: 6.7/10 Summary: The story reimagines the legendary adventures of the 10 brave warriors assembled by the warlord Sanada Yukimura in the year 1600, in the middle of Japan’s tumultuous Sengoku (Warring States) era. Read more...
Title: Another Genre: Drama, Horror Rating: 5.8/10 Summary: 26 years ago, in a third-year classroom of a middle school, there was a student named Misaki. As an honors student who was also good at sports, the charming girl was popular with her classmates. When she suddenly died, her classmates decided to carry on as if she was still alive until graduation. Then, in the spring of 1998, a boy named Sakakibara Kouichi transfers to that classroom, and he grows suspicious of the fearful atmosphere in that classroom. In particular, there is a beautiful, aloof girl named Mei Misaki who wears an eyepatch and is always alone drawing pictures. Read more...
LinkBlack★Rock Shooter
Title: Black★Rock Shooter Genre: Action, Drama, Slice of Life Rating: 5.5/10 Summary: Mato Kuroi is drawn to Yomi Takanashi, her classmate with an unusual family name. Mato does her best to talk to Yomi, who just won't open up. Yuu Koutari mocks her best friend Mato's efforts but at the same time, supports her. Mato also finds herself surrounded by other colorful characters at school, like the eccentric school counselor, Saya Irino, and the hot-blooded captain of her club club, Arata Kohata. However, outside a world of their own was one of pain and suffering. In this world, people fight to the death, taking on the struggles of the real world. This is their story. Read more...