# winter-2010

Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica

Title: Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Genre: Magic, Psychological, Thriller Rating: 9.5/10

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

Summary: After experiencing a bizarre dream, Madoka Kaname, a kind 14-year old girl, encounters a magical creature named Kyube. Madoka and her friend Sayaka Miki are offered the opportunity of gaining magical powers if they agree to make a contract with the strange little being. He will also grant them one wish, but in exchange they shall risk their lives by accepting the responsibility of fighting witches. Invisible to human eyes, witches are catalysts of despair in the areas they inhabit. An ally of Kyube, a magical girl named Mami Tomoe, befriends and encourages the two girls to accept the contract. For an unknown reason, another magical girl named Homura Akemi is determined to prevent Madoka from accepting the deal. Read more...



Title: Freezing Genre: Action, Romance, Sci-Fi Rating: 6.5/10


Summary: Set in a slightly futuristic world where Earth has been invaded and is at war with aliens from another dimension called the Nova, the story follows the adventures of a Japanese boy named Kazuya Aoi who enrolls for training at a special school for genetically modified girls called Pandoras who battle the aliens, and their male partners, called Limiters, who use a special power called “freezing” to limit their opponent’s mobility. The protagonist makes the acquaintance of an unusual older girl named Bridgette L. Satellizer who appears to be the most powerful Pandora in her class, but has not yet chosen a male partner to be her Limiter, and in spite of the warnings of all his friends, he decides to be her Limiter. Read more...


Star Driver

Title: Star Driver Genre: Action (Romance?) Rating: 6.8/10

Star Driver

Summary: On a cross-shaped island in the South, a mysterious and gigantic humanoid robot known as the “Cybody” is discovered sealed in the underground ruins for untold ages. A group known as the “Order of the Glittering Star Cross” attempts to remove the seal by abducting a girl named Wako Agemaki, who they dubbed the “shrine maiden” and is the key to activating the robot. A boy named Takuto Tsunashi arrives with his own Cybody named Tauburn to rescue Wako. Thus begins a struggle to unlock the secrets of the advanced technology and prevent disaster. Read more...



Title: Fractale Genre: Adventure Rating: 8.5/10


Summary: The story takes place on an island, where a “Fractale System” is beginning to collapse. One day, Clain finds an injured girl called Phryne under a cliff. She disappears leaving a pendant. Clain sets out for a journey with the girl-shaped avatar Nessa to look for Phryne and discovers the secret of the Fractale System. Read more...



Title: Bakuman Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life Rating: 7.5/10


Summary: Moritaka Mashiro and Akito Takagi are pretty much foils of each other. Mashiro, an average 9th grade student but talented artist, and Takagi, an overall advanced 9th grader and aspiring writer. After great convincing, Takagi convinces Mashiro to join him in becoming the greatest mangakas Japan has ever seen. Takagi, with his gift of writing, hopes to become a successful mangaka, and Mashiro, with his gift of art, hopes to marry the girl of his dreams, Azuki Miho. Read more...


Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?

Title: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? Genre: Action, Comedy Rating: 8.5/10

Kore wa Zombie Desu ka

Summary: Aikawa Ayumu is a normal high school boy. One day he is killed by a serial killer and revived as a zombie by a necromancer named Eucliwood Hellscythe. He starts to serve Eu as her guard but he happens to deprive the mahou shoujo Haruna of her magic power. Haruna orders Ayumu to fight against the anti-mahou shoujo system "Megalo" in her place. Read more...


Level E

Title: Level E Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi Rating: 7.6/10

Level E

Summary: Tsutsui Yukitaka was a freshman who had just entered a high school, and he was hoped to be a good baseball player. When he moved to a new apartment, there was a man in the room. He said he was an alien and lost his memory. Read more...


Toaru Majutsu no Index II

Title: Toaru Majutsu no Index II Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-fi Rating: 7.5/10


Summary: Second season of Toaru Majutsu no Index


Yumekui Merry

Title: Yumekui Merry Genre: Action, Comedy Rating: 6.0/10

Yumekui Merry

Summary: Ten years ago Fujiwara noticed he had a power to see multicolored auras surrounding the person’s body. Ever since then he’s been having a weird dream about a war with cats. Then one day a mysterious girl falls on top of him… Read more...


Hourou Musuko

Title: Hourou Musuko Genre: Drama, Romance Rating: 7.0/10

Hourou Musuko

Summary: The story depicts a young boy named Shuuichi Nitori who wants to be a girl, and his friend Yoshino Takatsuki, a girl who wants to be a boy. The series deals with issues such as transsexuality, gender identity, and the beginning of puberty. Read more...


Infinite Stratos

Title: Infinite Stratos Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-fi Rating: 5.0/10

Infinite Stratos

Summary: Japan engineered an armed powered exoskeleton “Infinite Stratos” (IS) and it became the mainstream of weapons. Since only women can operate IS, women dominate the society over men. Orimura Ichika is a 15 year old boy and accidentally touches an IS placed in the IS pilot training school. He is found to be the only man who can operate IS and forced to enter the training school. Ichika’s busy school life surrounded by girls has begun. Read more...


Rio Rainbow Gate!

Title: Rio Rainbow Gate! Genre: Comedy Rating: 6.5/10

Rio Rainbow Gate

Summary: In an island casino called the Howard Resort, Rio Rollins Tachibana is a popular casino dealer with the ability to bring good luck to gamblers just by walking past them, earning her the nickname "The Goddess of Victory". Mint Clark, a young child, comes to the Howard Resort with her grandfather and encounters Rio, and the two become the best of friends. Read more...


Dragon Crisis!

Title: Dragon Crisis! Genre: Action, Fantasy, Romance Rating: 4.0/10

Dragon Crisis!

Summary: A normal high school boy Kisaragi Ryuji’s peaceful life is turned into an adventure by the return of his second cousin Eriko. Ryuji and Eriko seize a relic box from a black broker. In the box, they find a red dragon girl Rose. In order to protect Rose from the black organization, Ryuji decides to fight using his power as a relic handler Read more...


Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu

Title: Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu Genre: Comedy Rating: 7.5/10

Mitsudomoe 2

Summary: 2nd season of Mitsudomoe
