# hanasaku-iroha

Hanasaku Iroha

Title: Hanasaku Iroha Genre: Comedy, Drama Rating: 7.0/10 Hana-Saku-Iroha Summary: Matsumae Ohana, a 16 year old girl, moves out of Tokyo and starts working at a hot spring hotel, which is located on a hill surrounded by cherry blossoms. Matsumae has yet to decide her future. The story will also feature other teenage girls who are looking for their dreams and excitements. Read more...


First Look: Hanasaku Iroha

Title: Hanasaku Iroha
Genre: Comedy, Drama


Summary: Matsumae Ohana, a 16 year old girl, moves out of Tokyo and starts working at a hot spring hotel, which is located on a hill surrounded by cherry blossoms. Matsumae has yet to decide her future. The story will also feature other teenage girls who are looking for their dreams and excitements.

