Title: Toradora! Genre: Comedy, Romance Rating: 9.2/10
Review: I can safely say this is probably going to be one of the top rated animes on this website. Toradora is an amazing story between two very unlikely friends that turns into one of the greatest romance comedies I have ever seen. Ryuji Takas is a second year high school student that has a rather strange problem: his eyes. Many people think that Ryuji is a delinquent because of his intimidating eyes, which hasn’t really left him lucky with the ladies. Despite his scary appearance he is actually a normal kid that has a strange thing for cleanliness. As Ryuji gets lost in thought he runs into the school famous “Palmtop Tiger”, Taiga Aisaka. She is short, cute, filthy, and very aggressive. Due to various events Ryuji finds himself helping Taiga to get her crush to like her, oh and did I mention they are neighbors? This anime really raised the bar on romance comedies, and if you are a fan of them checking this one out is a must! The animation, soundtrack, comedy, story, and supporting characters put together brought one of the greatest anime series out there. Since Taiga is so aggressive it is probably no surprise that there is the occasional fight scene. These scenes were actually highly entertaining because the art style changes dramatically making a much greater impact on the mood and meaning behind the scene. The soundtrack was also nice and I found myself listening to the first opening theme instead of skipping over it. There are times when you chuckle and times when you weep, all well balance in the anime. Viewers will really appreciate the time spent on creating a very gradual romantic development between all the characters. The anime did get quite heavy on the drama side toward the final episodes but your heart will swell up in joy as well. The supporting characters play a much larger impact in this anime than most of the others I have seen, most likely due to the fact that the directors of the anime decided to really give you their side of the story as well.
Final statements: Like I said earlier, this is a must see anime for all romance comedy fans out there. The series will touch your heart in a way that no other anime ever has. If you aren’t a fan of romance comedies don’t worry it isn’t all flowery and touchy feely so give it a shot! Must see!