# kimi-to-boku
Kimi to Boku 2
Title: Kimi to Boku 2
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Rating: 7.5/10
Summary: Season two of Kimi to Boku
Kimi to Boku
Title: Kimi to Boku
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Rating: 6.0/10
Summary: About 4 friends, twins Yuta and Yuki Asaba, the cute and girly Shun Matsuoka, and the class head Kaname Tsukahara, who have known each other since kindergarden. When a half-Japanese transfer student named Chizuru Tachibana joins their group, he brings a new dynamic to their friendship.
First Look: Fall 2011 Anime
Hey guys! Welcome to the first looks of the Fall 2011 anime season. I have decided to try things a little differently this time around to help everyone go to one place to find my thoughts about the current season’s anime. I figure it is a lot easier for everyone to just get a quick quick read by placing all the anime I have watched so far in one post rather than splitting them up and having you wait a year and half for the one you are looking for. And for your convenience I have also pleased some anchors to guide you through the post. Or alphabetical order if you prefer.
Bakuman 2 • Ben-To • Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai • Chihayafuru • Cube x Cursed x Curious • Guilty Crown • Hunter X Hunter • Kimi to Boku • Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon • Maken-Ki! • Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! • Mashiro-Iro Symphony • Mirai Nikki • Persona 4 • Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle • Shinryaku!? Ika Musume • Tamayura ~hitotose~ • UN-GO •Working’!!
Legend Worth Picking Up On Watch Dropped Read more... Link