Oreimo–05 Quickpost

!!!WARNING!!! The following post may contain spoilers. However, it is quite a few days after the episode so most of you have probably seen it anyway. Since that is out of the way let us continue with this rant.


So the episodes picks up in the heat the moment where episode four left off. As to be expected because Kirino was discovered by her friend Ayase. Now everyone is thinking one thing, “Why is Ayase there?” This is where I found the first fault (that may be answered in another way but follow me on this one). Ayase opens by saying she thought Kirino was taking a day off work for a track meet, and then continues to say that she is taking a break from one of her shoots.


I don’t know about you guys, but if I had a deep, dark secret I would probably be cautious and look out of people who might discover such a secret accidentally. I understand that Kirino doesn’t have much choice in where she goes for Comiket, but you would think that she would know where the photo shoot was supposed to take place. And consider it is near by, probably be a little worrisome that someone would see her holding Comiket goods. Simple solution? Have her brother hold the bags. I think that would be suffice. But this isn’t the worst of the episode, so I shall continue on with this rant and get onto more important matters at hand.

After such an unexpected visit from a friend she asked for help from her dear brother. Yes, because if you can’t talk to your best friend ask your brother to step in. As Kyousuke tries to remedy an already bad situation, Kirino does nothing to help by stumbling on her words and giving unneeded information. Her otaku friends decide to help by leaving. Probably the best idea to avoid any further complications. Go otaku friends, you understand social situations. But then wait, instead of ignoring the matter completely Kirino throws this out this harsh statement:


Please note the look of disgust on Kyousuke’s face. At least he realized how much this comment was uncalled for. How could you talk about your friends like that (the ones who accept you for who you are) after they help you out? Is it just me or does Kirino become more bratty as the series progresses? There is only so much people can help you out with your problems. Try to show some gratitude.


The trick is the lie first then book it. That’s the way to avoid confrontation after your friend has put the pieces together. The only solution obviously. [/sarcasm] Now I wont complain about this too much since it is a very sensitive situation and Kirino probably just ran in panic, understandable. After further events occur (bag ripping and contents falling out) Ayase said the most unexpected, rudest, and most infuriating comments. I didn’t expect her to act this way after giving the appearance that she is “the nice, understanding friend”.


Are you kidding me? This is exactly the problem I had when I wrote my first look. Except instead of Kyousuke flipping out, it was Ayase. I don’t understand what it is about this anime; why do people have to take everything to the extreme? They did such a brilliant job creating a good bond between brother and sister without being incest (yet?) and fail completely at everyone else. Fine, people might find it disgusting that their friend’s like anime, but this is ridiculous! At first I thought she was just mad that Kirino lied to her (makes sense) but it is actually because of Kirino’s hobby. How could someone who I had high hopes for probably end up being the worst of the lot? I don’t know if the creators intentionally made this yet another unexpected reaction but this is taking it way too far. I don’t know anyone who would act like that and be worth keeping around as a friend. At this point I would probably say one of two things: 1) Ayase flipping out is a fault or 2) Kirino trying to salvage their relationship is a fault.


More of her acting like a brat. The above screenshots just add to my final point of this rant. Kyousuke has done everything in his power to help his little sister. He has played awkward video games, taken her out to meet friends, hid secrets, and even lied to his father for her. Hell he got punched in the face just for her. She gives nothing but a single half-assed thank you back at him. At this point, I would probably get sick of it all if I were him. I wouldn’t mind helping, but give the guy a break. She throws a hissy fit just because things didn’t go picture perfect. So my final rant is this: Kyousuke what the hell are you doing? How could you go this far for a brat sister like her? And sometimes your plans aren’t the best. At least think of your social status a little.


I don’t know how either of these plans worked, but they did in a way. Instead of fixing the problem as normal human beings (talking it out) he takes drastic measures and moves Ayase’s concern of Kirino’s hobby to protecting her from the disgusting freak who is now Kyousuke. I have no clue how this is considered a good method of problem-solving but he did it anyway.

Long story short everyone in this series needs to sit back, relax, drink some tea, eat a muffin, and cool out. I will still keep this series on watch. However, I’ve already seen hints toward incest and the character modeling is crumbling. Let’s see if Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai can stay afloat.