
Title: Lucky☆Star Genre: Comedy, Slice of life Rating: 8/10


Summary: Portrays the lives of several school girls attending a Japanese high school with a very loose humor tone. The main heroine is Konata Izumi, an athletic and intelligent girl who, despite these attributes, is not in a sports club, and her grades remain low. Her laziness at school is due to her love for anime and video games, and she is not interested in much else.

Review: Lucky☆Star is a hilarious anime that can quench anyone’s thirst for random humor. What makes the series funny are the conversations the girls have between each other. Topics like why does the main character always have such a large selection of females in a video game, or which end of a food is the head and tail. Despite having a repetitive nature the anime still feels fresh with its jokes. Throughout the anime quite a few cross overs are created. On multiple occasions the famous Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Pokemon are mentioned. So for all you hardcore anime fans out there, you will get quite a chuckle. The art style is very basic, nothing special. If I had to put it on a scale I would say it is a little below average. Normally I would complain about something like this, but considering the style of the anime it was actually a good idea. The simple art really helped you focus on the jokes, and with the scene changing every two seconds I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if they went fancy. The soundtrack was basically the opening song only. It was the most fast-pace, girly, embarrassing… addicting song ever. I actually watched the opening every single time, and a bit embarrassed to say, remember quite a bit of the dance. The characters were all really fun to watch. None of them made me cringe, and the voice actors/actresses did a great job. The anime is meant for a laugh, but it does have quite a few touching moments. A tightly-knit group of friends, soon to graduate high school and go their separate ways can really bring a tear to your eye.

Final statements: Funny, cute, and sometimes a bit adult. This anime really brought a smile to my face and gave a good laugh. The characters were really cool and far from annoying. I really don’t have many negative things to say about this one! Preferred watch.