First Look: Working!!

Title: Working!! Genre: Comedy


Summary: Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16 year old high school student Takanashi Souta works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Taneshima Poplar, a high school girl who's a year older than Souta who's easily mistaken for a elementary/middle schooler, and Shirafuji Kyoko, the 28-year old store manager who doesn't bother to do any work at all. (MAL)

First Look: Working!! is truly deserving of the comedy genre. The comedy taste reminds me of animes like Azu Manga Diaoh, but a lot less random. All the characters have their own special thing about them. It can range from being cute and tiny while actually being a senior in high school, to running around with a katana in their belt without giving it a second thought. And who pulls this awkward combination of workers together? None other than the equally strange manager. Kyoko Shirafuji is probably my favorite character of the series. She doesn’t play a large role (probably because she doesn’t actually work) but whenever she shows up on the screen I get a laugh. Her apathetic attitude is humor within itself. The character the anime tends to focus around is Souta Takanashi. His strange fixation on cute things leans towards creepy with a hint of comedy. It seems to me that the only reason he doesn’t mind working the job is due to his cuter, shorter sempai Poplar Taneshima. She’s a little slow, but her cuteness does make up for it. Along with her cook helper, Jun Satou, she is one of the normal employees. As you can tell I broke down the anime into its characters because this is the best part about Working!!!  The art style is very simplistic. It has a bit of an old school taste to it, avoiding definite lines, heavy colors, and shadowing. I can’t put too much say into the soundtrack, but I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Final statements: This will probably become the best comedy anime this season. I always get a laugh out of the crazy situations and random array of characters. Working!! is on watch and suggested to anyone looking into the comedy genre.