First Look: Winter 2011-2012 Anime

Believe it or not I’m actually still watching anime despite the absurdly long break from my last post. To do a quick little catch up before I get going on this first look, I’ve just been running around busy this semester. Socially believe it or not. I’m rarely in my room anymore and sometimes I go days without touching a computer. Who knew that an anime geek like me would actually end up more with friends than my computer? Anyway I’ve kept up with the series for the most part, though this season has been a harsh disappointment for me. Let’s get on with the show!

Ano Natsu de MatteruAnotherBrave 10Black★Rock ShooterBusou Chuugakusei: Basket ArmyHigh School DxDInu x Boku SSKyousogigaMouretsu PiratesNisemonogatariPapa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!Recorder to RandoseruRinne no LagrangeSenhime Zesshou Symphogear

Worth Picking Up
On Watch

Ano Natsu de Matteru

An anime I was looking forward to this season because it is by the same creator of Toradora! a romance I fell in love with from episode one. Sadly this one didn’t live up to my expectations and I found it to be boring and cliché. I don’t like any of the characters except Lemon, and that’s because she reminds me so much of a more cynical Taiga. Which is pretty obvious from her strikingly similar looks. I guess the reason I’m not a fan is because the romance is so thick. It was obvious from the first episode how everything was going to turn out. The little bumps the characters run into aren’t that significant. I’m not looking for a heavy drama romance in the least, but at least let us get to know the characters before you have them all over each other. The main character is just has bad. He is average at best, nothing great about it, and has the strangest fantasies. One minute he is on cloud9 expecting sweet lovin’s later, and the next he is having a minor nervous breakdown. Current drop count: 1.


Hooray a horror anime! I absolutely love horror and all things spooky. I wish Another was scary, that would make it a good horror. Actually I’m pretty sure that’s really the only thing a good horror needs. I could be wrong though, I don’t exactly write scripts or anything. The characters of Another are just too dumb for me to care. It took roughly four episodes to see our first death. It wasn’t bad, and added a bit to the story factor. But the long, drawn-out, monotone dialogue kind of has me losing interest. I drift off from time to time. I attempted to watch it in the dark, that only made my eyes hurt more than anything. I wont rule it out yet though; I figure anime like these need some time to grow before they get really-somewhat-ok.


It’s basically the same as the OVA so I wouldn’t pick it up if you didn’t like the OVA. I wasn’t a huge fan as you can probably tell from my review, but I’m giving the short series a go either way. It is only eight episodes and the action scenes are really cool to watch. Just about everything else though is boring and pointless. The whole friendship thing tied in with jealousy can only be so good. The way the series is run it will probably be even less action than the OVA and more crying. The main character is already starting to get on my nerves. Power to her for being persistent but seriously lay off the creepy a bit. Then again, I’m sure in comparison to the other friend she is a saint.

Brave 10

Another decent anime that has held onto my attention long enough for the standard four episode watch. Every episode has at least a little bit of action to keep me interested and the main characters are a bundle of fun. Plus there seems to be a hidden story waiting to happen. So far it is has been Girl A is in danger so Guy B must save her. Of course leaving Girl A to only fall for Guy B more. I think the reason I like the anime so much is because one Isanami isn’t horrible and Saizo is one of those guys who isn’t oblivious to strong advances, he just chooses to push her away. There are tons of characters that still need to be introduced so I’m excited to see what it has in store. I’ll keep it on watch for the season.

Busou Chuugakusei Basket Army

These shorts have caught my interest. Well the first one at least since only one has actually be released. The animation quality isn’t bad and I’m curious about where it is going. It seems like the underlying story can turn out to be pretty interesting. Why are these students on the run? Who is this mysterious force stopping them from reaching their goal? How are they so trained in in firearms? Personally I can’t wait for the second OVA. I know this is pretty rare, but given the situation of long release dates I’m still going to suggest people picking this up. I don’t generally review OVA but I’ll probably give this one a go, I’m sure by the end there will be a lot more to say about it.

High School DxD

Whoa dropped this one as expected on the first episode. It wasn’t so much the full frontal nudity as the poor main characters. Got to love perverts right from the get go. I don’t understand what it is about these type of anime where the perverted guy gets into the luckiest situations. In reality don’t guys like that end up on the street or in jail for public indecency? It’s strange to think that I even gave this anime a good. The animation quality wasn’t too bad though.. I guess… I barely remember it. I’ve read around a bit too and apparently it is starting to have a story. Five episodes in. Current drop count: 2.

Inu x Boku SS

I don’t particularly like this anime much either. Compared to the rest of the season though? It isn’t half bad. It has some neat twists to it that make it interesting. I’m curious exactly what is going to happen. It hasn’t established a solid ground just yet, but it is looking up. I like the opening as well so that gets me in the mood to watch it every time I turn it on. The main character is that same “misunderstood” child who everything thinks is lucky but she’s really just lonely. The bits of fan service they share aren’t that great for someone who I believe in only fourteen. It appeals to someone though. Kind of the same as getting fan service from Alice though. I mean seriously what freshman high school girl wears stockings? it is another anime I feel is good because of its support characters. They’re comedic in their own right. The story is progressing quite slowly and they are focusing more on character development. Hopefully it is worth the wait as I watch it for this season.


Probably the strangest one this season. Only one episode out so I can’t say much about it. That and I have absolutely no idea what I watched. It was weird and fun at the same time. The art style was awesome, the characters are crazy, and overall a trip I’m willing to take. It is unfortunate that the series is being cast over the web so the quality is low. With such great art it is kind of a gimp to the series. Either way I’ll be keeping it on watch and very excited to see what it has in store.

Mouretsu Pirates

Come on Mouretsu Pirates you had everything I wanted this season. Space AND pirates? How can you screw that up? By adding a boring main character, boring supporting characters, and boring story development? Yeah I guess that hit the nail on the head. My standard four episodes in I was wondering where the story was going. Is she growing up into a pirate or is she just having fun with her yacht club or whatever. The first episode had some gun fight. What happened to that? I wish her cold sidekick was a redeeming factor. Sadly she just ended up being a real stick in the mud. I guess an anime needs more than just space pirates to be good. Go figure. Current drop count: 3.


It’s the sequel to my favorite anime, why would I drop this? It is also the best one out this season. The art style is still jaw-dropping, the music is stellar, and the characters are better than ever. I’m excited to see how this one pans out, and even more excited to see the prequel. Hopefully it doesn’t run out of budget again, though I’m sure they fixed that problem by now. Easy to say that if you liked the first season you will like this one. It holds up to everything previously and, dare I say, improved? Seriously though if you haven’t even watched Bakemonogatari yet after the review I gave it and constant reminders throughout my posts, slap yourself and go watch it now. Trust me, you have time until this season is over.

Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!

I figured I would be keeping this on watch because I’m a huge sucker for the whole “taking care of younger kids” thing. Which is strange because I’m not really a fan of kids. Maybe it’s something about their fake, childhood innocence in anime that drive me to like them. This one isn’t any different, and I’m pretty happy the route it’s taking. I’m sure there will be enough comedic relief and hints of drama to keep it interesting for the season. I’m keeping it on watch and also suggest a pick up if you’re into these type of anime.

Recorder to Randoseru

I wanted to give these shorts a shot because I figured why not. It seemed decent enough and I thought the whole eleven year old that looks twenty would be kind of cool. It wasn’t. It wasn’t funny at all actually. Probably the only time I was even moderately interested was when they did a cross with Morita-san. A short lived 5 seconds. I gave it a second shot just in case and I still didn’t like it. Current drop count: 4.

Rinne no Lagrange

This anime isn’t all that great either, but at least the main character is bearable to watch. In fact, I quite like her. Spunky, cool, and just sort of does things gung-ho. “Pilot a giant robot? Don’t mind if I do good stranger”. Followed by hat tipping and silly catch phrases. The story doesn’t seem all that interesting yet, but they are building up to it I’m sure. I’m hoping they keep the story going because the giant robot righting isn’t that great. The new character development isn’t terrible but I see one of the characters getting a tad bit annoying. Over clinginess isn’t attractive! Fact. Nevertheless I’ll keep this on watch as it has done its job to keep me mildly interested for the first few episodes.

Senhime Zesshou Symphogear

Sad to say the only reason I’m keeping this on watch is to kill time I feel like I’ve had a ton of dropped anime this season compared to most so I figured why not. it has turned more into me waiting to see who is going to self-sacrifice next and when someone will go berserk  mode on us. The story so far isn’t that great and my bets are on someone getting betrayed. The whole singing this got old quick too. The opening was brilliant, watching Zwei Wings pulling off a concert and kicking ass. Then of course that ended quickly and the better of the two girls dies in battle. Because of herself. Now it seems to be a pity party for the remaining one who also decided to sacrifice herself. Spoiler! She isn’t dead. Go figure. Either way nothing interesting to watch here and I don’t see it ending well. Especially if they keep up with the same routine over and over again. There are only so many times someone can cry for someone else and still keep the audience caring.

Some of you may be thinking that I don’t have that high a drop count this season. Well take into account how many came out that I didn’t even bother picking up, and compare the drop count to my previous seasons. It is going to be a light watch this season for me, but don’t worry I have plenty of reviews stored up and waiting to be written. Plus all the anime from last season I need to get on. Expect more updates in the coming weeks my friends!