First Look: Tamayura
Title: Tamayura Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Summary: For her first year of high school, Fu Sawatari moves to Takehara, a scenic old town near Hiroshima, on the Inland Sea. Her father, who has passed away, grew up in Takehara. She loves taking photographs with his old film camera, a Rollei 35S. The story follows her and the friends who gather around her as she comes to love her new home.First Look: This first look is probably a bit overdue but I thought I should get to it anyway. The OVA is already half way through (2/4 episodes released) so I think I have a good idea where it is headed. It is headed no where. Well, that sounds a bit harsh to say. It is a true slice of life anime that follows the very simple life of a young photographer who enjoys the beauties of the little things. There isn’t some crazy plot twist, or hardcore drama. Tamayura is a fluffy short that has it’s own charm. For one, it teaches you that you don’t need to have a crazy life filled with parties and clashes. The first two episodes got me thinking that having a relaxing life hanging out with friends and drinking tea isn’t so bad. Beyond this, however, there really isn’t anything else to Tamayura.
Final statements: If you want to kill some time and enjoy a very laid back anime pick this up. Although the episodes are far and few between, you don’t need to remember past episodes. I’m keeping it on watch because it is a good break from some of the other series out there.