First Look: Strike Witches 2
Title: Strike Witches 2 Genre: Action, Ecchi, Magic, Science Fiction
Summary: After discovering that Neuroi are capable of communication with humans and making peace with the nest above Gallia the Witches squads are now on a mission to restablish communication when a sudden attack vanishes the Neuroi, they now discover a new and massive nest that just appeared covering almost all Europe. Ruthless and without mercy it annihilates allied forces along Witches. Word of the attack reaches Fuso and a support battallion is deployed to rescue the survivors, among the rescue team is the former Striker captain Mio Sakamoto and the now civilian Yoshika Miyafuji who want to save her dear friends.First Look: After reading my review on Strike Witches some of you may be wondering why I even bothered watching the first four episodes of season two. Just as I believe a second season can kill an anime, a second season can make one. I don’t like to jump to conclusions and assume that they are exactly the same, though that is quite common. When I picked up season two I did notice some significant differences. One, there seems to be less fan service in these first four episodes than season one’s first four. That is a plus in my book (negative in some others though…). Two, the anime seems a lot more story oriented, a plus for everyone. Finally three, more action with better choreography. I enjoyed watching all the different fight scenes and how the team either worked together or individually. Other than that, it is still the same old Strike Witches you remember from season one.
Final statements: There is still quite a bit of ecchi in Strike Witches 2. I will admit that I have seen noticeable differences in story, action, and overall graphics. I can’t say that I will enjoy this enough to suggest it, but it seems better than season one. I hope they keep it up, on watch.