First Look: Shukufuku no Campanella
Title: Shukufuku no Campanella Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
Summary: The story takes place in a trading city Ert'Aria. Leicester Maycraft is an item engineer belonging to an adventurer guild "Oasis". One night, he is at a party with his friends to see a meteor stream on the rooftop of a chapel. One meteor grazes them and hits the steeple of the chapel. There he finds a secret room and a sleeping girl. The girl wakes up and says "You must be my father!". The encounter with the mysterious girl brings an unexpected adventure to Leicester.First Look: Oh hi-desu! How have you been-desu! I hope you enjoy this first look-desu! I will try my best-desu! Cough alright, enough of that. After watching a couple episodes of this it seems to have been crammed unwillingly into my head. Yeah that summary? Doesn’t really tell you much about this anime. The “mysterious girl” who wakes up and yells “You must be my father!” turns into a support character. In fact, there has been no additional information about her at all. The way the anime is going, there probably never will be. This basically killed any potentially decent plot line this anime could have. So in terms of story there really is nothing. Shukufuku no Campanella is supposed to be a comedy, but I never laugh. What the creators consider comedy has been so overplayed that I seem to have grown an immunity towards it. The occasional ecchi moments are really cliche` and to be blunt, dumb. The episodes have no interesting features what so ever. The soundtrack is well below average that I don’t even want to think about it. The art is the best thing about this anime, and even that is nothing special. The best thing is average compared to all the other anime I have seen. Even the simple drawings of anime such as K-ON! have more merit than this. There is no unique features about this anime, and no potential for anything good. I can’t stress this enough. There is absolutely no reason to pick this anime up, even for the rare fan service.
Final statements: I’m on the fence about this one, because currently my care factor on a scale of one to ten (where one means I wouldn’t notice if the anime suddenly disappeared and/or burned in a fire) I would say I’m at a three. Really leaning toward dropping because I don’t see any potential for this anime, but at the same time want to watch it just so I can write a review saying how bad it is to save everyone trouble.