First Look: Seitokai Yakuindomo

Title: Seitokai Yakuindomo Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life

Seitokai Yakuindomo

Summary: Takatoshi is a new student in a recently gender-integrated high school, and is asked to join the student council as the vice president. Thus begins his days as the only normal boy among 3 female student council officers.

First Look: When I initially picked up Seitokai Yakuindomo I thought it was going to be a romance comedy. I wasn’t even close. The summary doesn’t give the actual point of this anime: perverted, awkward situations. There isn’t much, or really any, fan service. However, the exchanged dialogue tells a different story. Two of the student council members are probably suffer from what I call “social failure”. Probably due to their lack of guy to girl interactions, almost every comment and thought has to do with sex or porn. Not a horrible thing because they do make it quite funny. The opening theme is as bad as it has gotten so far. The opening reminds me a lot of B Gata H Kei which I was too fond of. But this anime made perversion funny. The art is simple to some extent. The faces and bodies are very pointy, not horrible but not great.

Final statements: If you can handle the opening song’s sexual innuendos then the rest of the anime is easily tolerable and probably rather funny. I will keep this on watch. My biggest fear is the comedy will become stale and repetitive, no high hopes for this one unfortunately.