First Look: Panty and Stocking
Title: Panty and Stocking Genre: Action, Comedy
Summary: A company of ghosts has moved into Daten City, taking advantage of human greed. Two angels, Panty and Stocking, are sent from heaven to exterminate them — but in reality they got kicked out for bad behavior.
First Look: This anime sure was different than expected. Then again, with a name like Panty and Stocking and cartoon graphics I didn’t really know what to expect. That isn’t to say that it was disappointing. This twisted, strange, sick, comedy is a great break from the rest of the series out there this season. It isn’t something that will get you thinking or give you a new outlook on life (I hope not) but it is entertaining. It is filled with profanity and blatant sex references. I wouldn’t consider it one of the top anime out this season and I wont suggest it to anyone to watch. It does have a couple key things I want to point out though. For me the art style isn’t kiddish. It is a different art style that reminds me a lot of graffiti. The bad girl attitude Panty and Stocking have contribute to that gangster atmosphere the anime puts off. You can see some of the screenshots from chidori3souske’s post.
I can’t say for certain that this anime will get old after a while, but it does seem to be headed in that direction. The jokes aren’t witty, just awkward. There is one final thing I want to point out though, the soundtrack. Easily the best part about the anime. The opening is really upbeat (lyrics are a bit dry though) and fitting. The battle music is where it’s at. The ending is good, but doesn’t fit in my opinion. It is a soft beat, English lyrics, and rather melancholy. I don’t really understand why they choice that as the ending when there is literally no low points in Panty and Stocking. I still appreciate the change in pace, but I think another techno or rock song would have been better.
Final statements: Right now I will keep this on watch. I don’t know if it will be a worth while anime to watch in the end, but I think I should at least give it a shot.