First Look: Ookami-san

Title: Ookami-san Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance


Summary: A love comedy parodying fairy tales such as "Little Red Riding Hood," "The Ant and the Grasshopper," etc. Ookami Ryoko is a spunky high school girl. She is a member of a "fixer" club so called Otogi High School Bank. She fixes the school's problems with her partner Akai Ringo.

First Look: The series starts off with a grown-up version of Tiaga from Toradora! basically. At least that was the first thing that came to mind. As the episode progressed I noticed some similarities in voice actresses. It was nice to hear some similarities and that new, but skilled, voice actors are getting more jobs. Story wise I really don’t expect much from this anime. It seems to be nothing more than short stories that will be resolved in a max of three episodes. The romance between the two main characters is a steady development which I am very thankful for. I don’t like the character set for Akai, a downer to say the least. A guy who has the fear of people staring at him…? It is unique but not really helping the anime in my opinion. I see where the narrator is supposed to come in, making the anime seem more like a fairy tail, but I miss some dialogue when trying to read both at the same time. I’m sure those who understand Japanese also have trouble hearing both dialogues. The narrator masks over conversations explaining new characters, or ranting about something random. More an annoyance than comical so far. The art style is pretty good. The fight scenes aren’t top of the line though. It seems rather basic which isn’t the best considering how often fight scenes actually occur. The soundtrack isn’t anything to really note just yet. I will make note of it when I write the full review.

Final statements: Quite obvious that I will have this on watch. Compared to the other anime out this season this is probably in the top 3. I hope to see more happen in terms of romance and from what I can tell I will get that wish.

P.S. All posts without a picture and color coding will be edited when my computer is fixed.