First Look: Hen Zemi

Title: Hen Zemi
Genre: Comedy


Summary: Matsutaka Nanako is a normal university student, who happened to enroll in an Abnormal Physiology seminar. She tries to keep her mental state sound, but other abnormal classmates start to influence her personality…

First Look: Oh so much regret typing what I said in my Spring Preview post. Why did I say that I would watch this anime no matter what? Have I not learned from past experience that judging a book by its cover can go both ways? Oh why did you do this to me Japan? You had so much going for you, finally pulling away from the stereotypical high school/middle school setting. So I’m pretty sure you can tell I’m disappointed with the anime so far. Actually if you just watch the first episode it pretty much sums up the entire anime. It has to be one of the most borderline hentai without actually being hentai. Ecchi has nothing on this.

The story is pretty basic. Girl joins a club in college and it is filled with perverts. Each pervert has their own little quick which makes them unique… I guess. That’s about the only credit I can give them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for “each to their own” but I don’t want to be thrown into their world either. I don’t think that having people drinking sake out of someone’s ***** or putting a ***** in a hotpot is my definition of a good time. Seriously some of the stuff isn’t even funny, it’s just creepy. Like the time when Nanko ***** the ****** from the ****** and then she ***** after the guy ***** leaving her ****** on the ground. Oh and not to even mention the time when ******* ********  ************ ****** *** ******. That was crazy. There really isn’t much to say about the story other than how disgusting it is. I don’t find the series funny at all and the background romance makes me wonder. I just don’t see the appeal of any of the guys in the club. Heck I don’t see the appeal for most of the girls in the club.

The art style isn’t bad, but definitely below average. There isn’t anything special about it, and most of it is scenes of girls drooling in ecstasy or old hairy naked dudes running around. The best description would be a more mature version of Mitsudomoe. But at least Mitsudomoe had that small bit of childhood innocence that allowed me to laugh instead of turn away in embarrassment. Hen Zemi threw down all restraints and just went for it. They are not afraid to draw/show anything that can still be aired on TV. I don’t know what it is about this season but perversion seems to be a big topic.

Final statements: The absolute only reason I’m keeping this on watch is because I said I would at the beginning of my Spring Preview. And I am not one to back down from my word. For anyone else out there, I can probably already tell you this will be an avoid watch. But alas I shall wait till my review for the final verdict.